An animated action-comedy about an ordinary family who find themselves in the middle of their biggest family challenge yet...saving the world from the robot apocalypse. No big deal, right?
The Justice Society of America , a group of heroes aiding the allies in World War 2, acquire an ally from the future who sends them on an adventure that changes history.
The Justice Society of America , a group of heroes aiding the allies in World War 2, acquire an ally from the future who sends them on an adventure that changes history.
A nameless robot girl has recently been given the gift of life from her creator, while exploring the wonders of an ordinary world she meets an amazing mutant boy and they share a friendship that must overcome their warring families.
A young humanoid alligator travels to the big city in hopes of reuniting with his estranged father, meeting a colorful cast of characters along the way.
Convinced that his father, who had disappeared at sea two years earlier, is still alive, the 12-year-old Felix sets out to find him in the company of Old Tom, a retired fisherman, Squawk, the one-legged parrot and Rover, a cat who acts like a dog.
When the Take-its steal this year's supply of Easter Eggs, an unlikely group of characters band together and brave the perils of taking back what is rightfully theirs. These richly defined characters form deep bonds of friendship throughout their journey and discover how to face their fears.
When Maya, a headstrong little bee, and her best friend Willi, rescue an ant princess they find themselves in the middle of an epic bug battle that will take them to strange new worlds and test their friendship to its limits.