Blue Bloods follows the lives of the NYPD's First Family of Law Enforcement: the Reagans. Frank, the Police Comissioner and son of former PC Henry Reagan, must balance his duties of running the largest police force in the world and being his kids' boss.
Robyn McCall, an enigmatic African American woman with a mysterious background, uses her extensive skills to help those with nowhere else to turn. McCall comes across to most as an average single mom who is quietly raising her teenage daughter.
An anthology series featuring 15 intense, topical, and exquisitely human stories of crime and punishment. Each episode is a fast-paced provocative thriller, exploring a different crime, in a different city, with an entirely original cast.
Colter Shaw travels the country in his old-school RV to help police and private citizens solve crimes and locate missing persons until his latest case changes everything.
An Armored security guard is working with his son transporting millions of dollars between banks when a team of thieves lead by Rook orchestrate a take-over of their truck to seize the riches.
An Armored security guard is working with his son transporting millions of dollars between banks when a team of thieves lead by Rook orchestrate a take-over of their truck to seize the riches.
Charles, a retired man, gets a new lease on life when he answers an ad from a private investigator and becomes a mole in a secret investigation in a nursing home.
Follows New York mafia capo Dwight "The General" Manfredi, just after he is released from prison after 25 years and unceremoniously exiled by his boss to set up shop in Tulsa, Okla.
Mexico, today. Overqualified and exploited, lawyer Rita is wasting her talents working for a large firm far better at whitewashing criminal garbage than serving justice.
Mexico, today. Overqualified and exploited, lawyer Rita is wasting her talents working for a large firm far better at whitewashing criminal garbage than serving justice.