Years following the events of "The Shining," a now-adult Dan Torrance must protect a young girl with similar powers from a cult known as The True Knot, who prey on children with powers to remain immortal.
Twenty-seven years after their first encounter with the terrifying Pennywise, the Losers Club have grown up and moved away, until a devastating phone call brings them back.
Twenty-seven years after their first encounter with the terrifying Pennywise, the Losers Club have grown up and moved away, until a devastating phone call brings them back.
Twenty-seven years after their first encounter with the terrifying Pennywise, the Losers Club have grown up and moved away, until a devastating phone call brings them back.
A late night knock at the door from an absent friend brings the question - "I need you to come with me, but I can't tell you where we're going or what we're going to do." How far would you go to help those you care about?
Charlie and Buzi are ghosts' enthusiasts fascinated by the legend of the scariest road in America, Mt. Misery Road. The couple continues their adventure to the woods until they realize they got into the whirlpool of paranormal activities.
Charlie and Buzi are ghosts' enthusiasts fascinated by the legend of the scariest road in America, Mt. Misery Road. The couple continues their adventure to the woods until they realize they got into the whirlpool of paranormal activities.