Madelines Madeline is a movie starring Helena Howard, Molly Parker, and Miranda July. A theatre directors latest project takes on a life of its own when her young star takes her performance too seriously.
Carrie is in love with her new fiancé Vincent, a handsome and successful author. Vincent is besotted with Carrie, she's everything he's ever dreamed of.
Ito (Joe Taslim), a gangland enforcer, caught amidst a treacherous and violent insurrection within his Triad crime family upon his return home from a stint abroad.
Imprisoned by an adult world that now fears everyone under 18, a group of teens form a resistance group to fight back and reclaim control of their future.
Imprisoned by an adult world that now fears everyone under 18, a group of teens form a resistance group to fight back and reclaim control of their future.
Imprisoned by an adult world that now fears everyone under 18, a group of teens form a resistance group to fight back and reclaim control of their future.
Set in the small town of Devil's Gate, North Dakota, the film examines the disappearance of a local woman (Regan) and her young son. Schull plays an FBI agent who helps the local sheriff (Frakes) search for answers.