The true story of a recently widowered lawman who befriends a boy dying of tuberculosis and a madam of the local brothel while their town is being politically and violently overtaken by a gang of reckless cattlemen from Texas.
While travelling through a remote region of Texas in 1866, Rusty Children's and his family are ambushed. When he awakens, he finds his son murdered and his wife missing.
A seasoned US Marshal is ambushed while tracking a murderous band of outlaws along the southern border of the United States. Left for dead, the Marshal is saved by a lost Navajo boy with whom he forms an unlikely friendship.
A seasoned US Marshal is ambushed while tracking a murderous band of outlaws along the southern border of the United States. Left for dead, the Marshal is saved by a lost Navajo boy with whom he forms an unlikely friendship.
In search of a better life, a railroad worker (Foo) finds himself on the wrong side of a group of corrupt lawmen. As the Marshal (Adkins) attempts to control his town, tragedy strikes forcing him to decide between justice and family.
In search of a better life, a railroad worker (Foo) finds himself on the wrong side of a group of corrupt lawmen. As the Marshal (Adkins) attempts to control his town, tragedy strikes forcing him to decide between justice and family.
A boy enchanted with tales from the Old West unlocks a mystery that could save their family farm. While his widowed mother struggles to avoid foreclosure, a mysterious stranger arrives looking for a room to rent.