The series follows Maddie, a persona shifting con-artist who is as beautiful as she is dangerous, leaving her unwitting victims tormented when they realize they have been used and robbed of everything – including their hearts.
The series follows Maddie, a persona shifting con-artist who is as beautiful as she is dangerous, leaving her unwitting victims tormented when they realize they have been used and robbed of everything – including their hearts.
Stef Foster and Lena Adams, a lesbian couple, have a family of adopted, biological, and foster children. Mariana and Jesus are adopted 15-year-old twins and Brandon is Stef's 16-year-old biological son from a previous marriage.
Stef Foster and Lena Adams, a lesbian couple, have a family of adopted, biological, and foster children. Mariana and Jesus are adopted 15-year-old twins and Brandon is Stef's 16-year-old biological son from a previous marriage.
An ex-felon is shocked to see just how much the world has changed when he is released from prison for good behavior after a 15-year stint and returns to his newly gentrified Brooklyn neighborhood.
An ex-felon is shocked to see just how much the world has changed when he is released from prison for good behavior after a 15-year stint and returns to his newly gentrified Brooklyn neighborhood.
Level-headed son Michael Bluth takes over family affairs after his father is imprisoned. But the rest of his spoiled, dysfunctional family are making his job unbearable.
Level-headed son Michael Bluth takes over family affairs after his father is imprisoned. But the rest of his spoiled, dysfunctional family are making his job unbearable.